Archived report

mountain festival on the piesberg

Large cultural and family festival on Osnabrück's local mountain

The "bergfest am piesberg," the popular cultural and family festival with theater, music and hands-on activities, will take place this year on Sunday, September 3, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., throughout the Piesberg - with special highlights at the top of the rocky ridge. This year's motto is "HandelN & WandelN".

The toad mobile, the Grashüpfer environmental mobile, the Lower Saxony State Forests, the quarry operator GP Papenburg with a children's construction site, the Osnabrück ServiceBetrieb and the TEERA.vita nature park will be there. The Piesberg project office provides information about goals and projects in the Piesberg Culture and Landscape Park. The nature conservation officer of the municipality of Wallenhorst offers a guided tour to the sequoia tree and through the arboretum at the Piesberg at 2:30 pm. With hammer, gloves and protective goggles, fossils can be discovered and determined by the geological preparator of the Museum am Schölerberg. A straw climbing castle is available for children, while parents can enjoy the panoramic view with a snack. Alphorn players Hasethaler 1648 perform between the viewing platforms above the quarry. On the way to the rocky ridge, there are walking stations with harp music, miniature local performances, juggling as an ephemeral sculpture and singing angler.

In the chestnut garden of the Piesberger Gesellschaftshaus Zaches & Zinnober present a mixture of music, word acrobatics, poetry and stories. The Oniverse comes with the crank case and a picture-rich listening experience. A musical chicken pile plays animal-human scenes: the Cock-Tales. Artist Eva Preckwinkel invites you to sew along. The Kozma Orkestar takes you on a musical journey through Europe. The DFKI presents research on parcel shipping of the future. There will be hands-on and creative activities on the subject of world trade.

The Feldbahn Piesberg Osnabrück e.V. operates a light railroad between the stations Haseschacht, Stüveschacht and Südstieg. At the bergfest, the Förderverein Stüveschacht e.V. provides information about mining history. The association "Traditionsbus" offers round trips around the Piesberg. The journey with the historical train of the "Osnabrücker Dampflokfreunde" is special: The trains leave the main station at 10.35 a.m., 12.35 p.m., 2.35 p.m. and 4.35 p.m.. There will be a colorful program at the Piesberg colliery station. The Piesberger Kleinbahn invites you to take a ride, trolley rides are offered and the station café is open. The IG Oldtimer presents historic vehicles at the colliery station.

An overview of all events and further information can be found in the Bergfest flyer.

How to get there: Those arriving by bicycle, e.g. along the Haseuferweg or the Kanalradweg, should use the bicycle parking lot opposite the Piesberger Gesellschaftshaus. Cars should arrive via Fürstenauer Weg and use the large parking lot on the former stone storage area at Süberweg. Please note the partial closure of Fürstenauer Weg. Detours are signposted.

Further information at:

Archived report: This report has been archived for research purposes. Please note that events, announcements, dates and activities of people mentioned in this text may no longer be valid. We exclude any liability for misunderstandings or misinterpretations.


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