Unbehaust. 'Calmeyers Sekretärin' Henriette Koppel-Hirsch'

Reading/book launch

Next date

19:00 - 21:00
Book presentation

The author Karl Kassenbrock describes the special relationship between Hans Calmeyer, the "Rassereferent" to the Reichskommissar of the occupied Netherlands, and the German Jew Henriette Koppel-Hirsch (1914-1984), who worked in his Osnabrück law firm from 1931 to 1933.
During the Second World War, she met Hans Calmeyer again in the Netherlands. From 1943, she and her family began their ordeal through Nazi camps. They owe their survival to people who acted for completely different motives.

After the end of the war, Koppel-Hirsch and Calmeyer meet again: while she and her family want to come to terms with their suffering by remaining largely silent about it, he struggles with the burden of his guilt and wants to talk to them about it.

Admission is free. Registration is not required.

General information

Organiser Erich Maria Remarque-Friedenszentrum
Markt 6
49074 Osnabrück

Tel.: +49 541 / 9692440
E-Mail: remarque-zentrumnoSpam@uosnoSpam.de
Website: www.remarque.de

Event location

Markt 6
49074 Osnabrück

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