The ensemble led by composer Ismail Türker and singer Seda Devran dedicates this musical-lyrical programme to Bertolt Brecht's poetry. The writer, known as a playwright, also set an example for peace and charity in his lyrical work with over 2000 poems. With the traditional Turkish baglama, Gesamg, violin and guitar, the German-Turkish ensemble sets the poems of the great German writer to music and sets an example for peace.
Ismail Türker (baglama, vocals), Seda Devran(vocals), Julia Eberling (violin). Matthias Greeslade (guitar), Manuel Karadeniz (narrator)
Price information | Tickets 15€, young people under 18 free |
Organiser |
Kultur am Gertrudenberg e.V. Buchenbrink 6 49086 Osnabrück Tel.: +49 541 / 7809672 E-Mail: Website: |
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