Jetzt geht's rund – Kreisläufe statt Abfälle


Next date

09:00 - 16:00
German Federal Environmental Foundation

Linear becomes round
What if we used products for as long as possible? If we used waste as raw materials for new things? If we gave things a longer life, for example by repairing and exchanging them? Doing business in this way is called the circular economy. It works best when we all join forces, exchange ideas and motivate each other. Here you can find out exactly what this can look like.

Whether it's for a new smartphone, a cool T-shirt or trendy sneakers - up to now, consumption has usually meant taking raw materials from nature, processing them into products that are usually only used for a short time and then thrown away. This so-called linear economy leads to scarce resources, growing mountains of waste and harmful emissions and waste water.

This does not work in the long term. The way we currently produce and consume is changing the environmental conditions on earth and endangering our own livelihoods. In the exhibition, we show how things can be done differently.

The "Now it's going round - cycles instead of waste!" is a joint project of the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt and the VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH.

Into the cycles ... ready ... go!
In our exhibition, you can virtually design a circular sneaker yourself at interactive stations as a designer or try out various
waste separation processes as a recycler. As a visionary, you can take a look into a circular future. Or you can discuss how we can get out of the linear economy in the Kreislauf-Klub. Join in and see what you can do yourself!

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General information

Organiser DBU - Deutsche Bundestiftung Umwelt
An der Bornau 2
49090 Osnabrück

Tel.: + 49 541 / 96330

Event location

An der Bornau 2
49090 Osnabrück
Phone: + 49 541 / 96330

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