Heimat, deine Sterne

Art and Culture other, Music other, Musical theatre

Next date

20:00 - 21:30

In his text, Peter Badstübner, born in 1959, wrestles with the concept of "home".

Badstübner suffers from solastalgia: this word describes the pain we feel when we lose a beloved place, when we - consciously or unconsciously - sense the change or destruction of our own home, our own living space. This feeling touches us all, unsettles us, frightens us, creates social upheaval and even political radicalization.

Coming from East Germany, Badstübner meets people who have experienced their own stories in his search for the stars of his homeland, picks them up, juxtaposes them - making it increasingly clear how fragile the concept of home is and must remain, how difficult it is to grasp and assert.

The band MUCH BETTER, THANK YOU accompanies the actor in his efforts to locate the concept of home. Compositions alternate with improvisation, give space, take space, create feel-good moments and destroy them again in the search for understanding, exchange and - home.


Audience feedback:

Anyone who has ever wondered what "home" means will find an answer here. Or several?

This piece written by Peter Badstübner - with musical support from the band "Much Better, Thank You" - is a real feast for the ears.

It philosophizes eloquently about "then", "today", "tomorrow" and "someday". It has to be said, not a second is wasted.

Without giving too much away - you find yourself agreeing with the actor time and again.

But here it also gets down to the nitty gritty and tempts you to reflect further.

I can only advise all readers to attend this performance.

Go, listen, watch, think and - enjoy!

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General information

Price information Admission free, reasonable donations are requested.
Organiser K.A.F.F. - K. am fantastischen Freihafen
Am Speicher 3a
49090 Osnabrück

Website: www.kaff-os.de


Event location

Am Speicher 3a
49090 Osnabrück
Website: www.kaff-os.de

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