OV-Sneak Preview


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The SNEAK PREVIEW in the original English - with prize draw

Twice a month: The surprise film in the original English - with prize draw

A brand-new, current film will be shown in the original English version.

There's also lots to win - some high-quality giveaways will be raffled off!

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General information

Price information Regular customer discount with stamp card!
Organiser Cinema Arthouse
Erich-Maria-Remarque Ring 16
49074 Osnabrück

Tel.: +49 541 / 600 650
E-Mail: infonoSpam@cinema-arthousenoSpam.de
Website: www.cinema-arthouse.de

Event location

Erich-Maria-Remarque Ring 16
49074 Osnabrück

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Note on possible changes at short notice

Please inquire on the homepages or directly in the respective houses about the current opening and event times, prices, cancellations, etc.. This information can change at short notice!