Christian Steiffen

Schlager & German Folk

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The wait is over, it's finally here: his third masterpiece!!! Sober and matter-of-fact, reflective as always. "Gott of Schlager" - the title of the third outpouring - is another highlight in Steiffen's oeuvre. Even in his choice of album title, Christian resorts to his perfectly staged and celebrated stylistic device of understatement, adding: "Words cannot describe me and this album. The term "God of Schlager" can only be an attempt, but will forever remain a crutch...". And of course he's right:


The very first track makes it clear that the vacation from rock'n roll is over: "Hier ist Party" combines elements of classic disco music with modern chanting. "Wie der Wind" is about freedom, digestion and transience, illuminated in a country song that escalates into psychedelic spheres. With "Schöne Menschen" (Beautiful People), Christian devotes himself to the ugly face of the beauty craze from the Brothers Grimm to the present day. The autobiographical piece "Ich breche in die Nacht" describes a night and explores the contrasts of thirst and homesickness as well as nausea and society.


"Verliebt Verlobt Verheiratet Vertan" is self-explanatory and followed by classic themes of German-language chanson such as Schützenfest, seafaring, New Year's Eve, punk music and, of course, carnival. All performed in the wonderfully soft timbre of Christian's voice, which, as always, correlates perfectly with the harmonies and arrangements of his friend and co-producer Dr. Martin Haseland (now with a new cape keyboard). These are great new melodies from a poet and entertainer who is constantly surpassing himself.


Christianization is probably far from having reached its peak, but the fact that Steiffen is getting bigger and bigger doesn't bother him: "I don't force anyone to come to my concerts - they all come voluntarily. (...)". And so he'll be hitting the road again with this album.


At the end of his Gott of Schlager tour, Christian Steiffen will be returning to his hometown of Osnabrück  once again to tear down the OsnabrückHalle for good!


Note: Filming will take place during the show.

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General information

Organiser Zukunftsmusik
Dammstr. 2
49084 Osnabrück

Tel.: 0541 760 77 80
Fax: 0541 760 77 81

Event location

Schloßwall 1-9
49074 Osnabrück

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