Planetarium Osnabrück

Place to see, Observatory
Once in the starry sky and back - embark on fantastic journeys through space and time.

We take you on a journey to distant galaxies! Whether the sun is shining outside or clouds cover the sky: The stars are always shining in the planetarium. From the comfort of your armchair, you can enjoy fantastic journeys through the planetary system, into the Milky Way, to the galaxies and to the beginnings of the universe.

The centrepiece of the star theatre is the planetarium projector in the centre of the eight-metre 360-degree dome. It conjures up an almost lifelike starry sky on the dome and shows the movements of the sun, earth, moon and planets. Visitors not only explore the current starry sky, the solar system or the band of the Milky Way. An additional video projection system also turns a visit to the planetarium into a multimedia experience in space and time.

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At a glance

Opening times Saturday: (except summer and Advent Saturdays)
4 p.m. (children's program), 5 p.m. (family or main program)

3 and 4 p.m. (family/children's program), 5 p.m. (main program)

4 p.m. (family/children's program), 7.30 p.m. (main program)

3 p.m. (family/children's program)

Thursday: (only during school vacations)
3 p.m. (family/children's program)
Price information Erwachsene: 6,50 €
Ermäßigte und Erw. mit Kindern: 3,50 €
Kinder ab 4 J.: 2,50 €
Jahreskarten: 25 € / 15 € / Erw.(bis 2) mit Kindern 50 €

Für Sonder- / Gruppen- und Schulveranstaltungen gelten abweichende Preise!

Die Eintrittspreise verstehen sich inklusive Museumseintritt.
Arrival Mit dem Bus:
Buslinie 21 bis Endhaltestelle "Kreishaus/Zoo"

Mit dem Fahrrad:
Das Museum liegt am Osnabrücker Radrundweg (Station 1 - Zoo)

Mit dem Auto:
Autobahn A 30 Osnabrück-Hannover - Abfahrt Osnabrück-Nahne.
Ab Stadtzentrum den Hinweisschildern "Zoo" folgen.


  • Die Sonne
  • Planetarium Osnabrück

Address & contact

Planetarium Osnabrück
Klaus-Strick-Weg 10
49082 Osnabrück

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Note on possible changes at short notice

Please inquire on the homepages or directly in the respective houses about the current opening and event times, prices, cancellations, etc.. This information can change at short notice!