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Osnabrück – City of Peace
Im neuen Portal "Osnabrück - Die Friedensstadt" präsentieren wir Ihnen alles zum Westfälischen Frieden sowie viel Wissenswertes über die Friedensstadt Osnabrück: Vom jährlichen Steckenpferdreiten der Osnabrücker Grundschulkinder über den jüdischen Maler Felix Nussbaum bis hin zum weltbekannten Schriftsteller Erich Maria Remarque und dem nach ihm benannten Friedenspreis.
Die Friedensstadt - wo Frieden Geschichte und Zukunft hat
The Bonnuskirche Osnabrück is considered one of the few tented churches in Germany.
On 1.1.1962, the Bonnus parish was founded to accommodate the expansion of the city to the west. It emerged from parts of the Katharinen- and Mariengemeinde.
The baptistery was used by Old Catholics for worship for a long time.
Stories / Legends:
Name giver Hermann Bonnus (1504 in Quakenbrück - 1588): He was considered a student and comrade-in-arms of Luther. Was the reformer of Osnabrück and the OS Land. The council of the city of OS borrowed the superintendent Bonnus from Lübeck for 3 months, but he stayed for 3 years. He preached his first Lutheran sermon in the Council Church of St. Mary on 2.2.1534 (since then OS Reformation feast day; not officially celebrated);
Translation of the Bible/NT into Low German; poet of many hymns; wrote the "Christliche Kerkenordnung für Ossenbrügge" (details see text on website)
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