Classic in Osnabrück

Ensembles, Choirs & Concerts

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Osnabrück Ensembles & Choirs

Bach-Chor Osnabrück
Johannis Choir Osnabrück

In the St. John's Choir, about 60 women and men between the ages of 20 and 75 sing choral works from all ages and epochs of church music. In addition to the festive services on church holidays, the choir organizes concerts 3-4 times a year with different focuses and programs.

The choir is directed by Christian Joppich.

Johannis Choir Osnabrück
Blechbläserensemble Complesso di Ottoni
Vocalvielharmonie Osnabrück
The somewhat different choir

The repertoire includes sacred and secular a cappella works by classical and modern composers. The rehearsals are accompanied by a voice coach, who is available at any time for individual singers and voices to deepen and perfect. Because breathing technique, articulation, body control are part of a good singing voice and can be practiced and promoted.

Holger Dolkemeyer is the director.

Vocalvielharmonie Osnabrück
Youth Choir St. Marien Osnabrück
Youth Choir

A choir for young people from the 7th school year: choral voice training, choral literature of all epochs and styles, baroque to pop, depending on the instrumentation for equal or mixed voices. Rehearsal weekends are offered for this purpose. The Jugendkantorei St. Marien can be heard at festivals (Eurotreff, Europa Cantat, Festival junger Stimmen), in concerts a cappella or with orchestra and in church services. A special, recurring highlight is Bach's "Christmas Oratorio" with St. Mary's Cantor and children's choirs. Majka Wiechelt is the regional cantor.

Youth Choir St. Mary
Junges Osnabrücker Streicherensemble
Young Osnabrück String Ensemble
String instruments

The Young Osnabrück String Ensemble rehearses and makes music with children and young people between the ages of about 7 and 15 at St. Mary's parish. The focus is on having fun making music together and learning how to play in an ensemble. The string ensemble plays in senior citizens' homes and in church services and participates in concerts with the children's choirs and the St. Marien Osnabrück Youth Choir.

Gabriele Heinecke is the conductor.

Young Osnabrück String Ensemble
Kinderchor St. Marien
Children's choirs St. Marien Osnabrück
Children's choir

Children between the ages of 6 and 12 experience child-oriented choral voice training, elementary music theory and canons, choral songs, arias, monophonic and polyphonic, from baroque to pop. Once a year there is a rehearsal weekend at a recreation center in the area. The choir is directed by the regional cantor Majka Wiechelt, who rehearses children's musicals, singing plays and scenic performances. The choirs sing in church services and give concerts, alone or with the Jugendkantorei or the Marienkantorei, a cappella or with instrumental accompaniment. A special, recurring highlight: Bach's "Christmas Oratorio" with the Marienkantorei and Jugendkantorei.

Children's choirs St. Mary's
Marienkantorei Osnabrück
Marienkantorei Osnabrück
Mixed choir

Mixed adult choir of the Lutheran parish of St. Marien with around 60 accomplished amateur singers from the city and district. Regular performances of major (oratorio) works with renowned orchestras and soloists, a cappella concerts, singing in church services, festive Advent, ecumenical choir walk, Bach's "Christmas Oratorio" with children's choirs and youth choir etc. Integration of visual arts, light installation, dance etc. into the concert program.

KMD Carsten Zündorf is the conductor.

Marienkantorei Osnabrück
Musikakademie Remele Orchester mit Daniel Inbal Schelenburg
Remelé Music Academy e.V.
Chamber music

The Remelé Music Academy is a non-profit, private music school in Osnabrück. Its teachers are qualified professional musicians, the majority of whom belong to symphony orchestras or other professional ensembles in the region. The Music Academy is certified and recognized as a music school by the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony. Chamber music is encouraged by the Remelé Music Academy from the earliest age. Regular public recitals by the students are part of the essence of this music academy.

Remelé Music Academy e.V.
Neue Hofkapelle Osnabrück
New Court Orchestra Osnabrück
Historical instruments

The Neue Hofkapelle Osnabrück was founded by Christian Heinecke and other professional musicians in 2015 with the desire to play music from the 17th/18th century. The Neue Hofkapelle plays on historical instruments. The programs are made in consultation with all members. Since 2017, two always sold-out concert series - in the castle of Bad Iburg and in the castle of Osnabrück - inspire the audience. Internationally renowned soloists such as Hille Perl (viola da gamba) and also Sigiswald Kuijken (violin) have been guests of the ensemble since its founding. In April 2019, the Neue Hofkapelle Osnabrück gave its first guest performance at the Kölner Philharmonie with great success. Since 2017, the Neue Hofkapelle Osnabrück has been sponsored by the Friedel & Gisela Bohnenkamp Foundation.

New Court Orchestra Osnabrück
Osnabrücker Domchor
Trombone Choir St. Mary
Brass & Brass players

The St. Mary's Trombone Choir consists of about 30 wind players of all ages. In its annual summer and Advent concerts, it fills St. Mary's Church with sounds from the baroque, romantic, swing and pop eras. He regularly organizes (festive) church services for the congregation. The recurring tower blowing during Advent or on other festive occasions also enjoys great popularity.

Michiko Sugizaki is the conductor.

Trombone Choir St. Mary
Osnabrücker Jugendchor im Dom
Osnabrück Symphony Orchestra
At home in the theater

The symphony orchestra has been the musical peace ambassador of the city of Osnabrück for more than 100 years, ensuring a diverse musical life in the city and region - whether in concert, music theater or dance. Renowned soloists such as Klaus Florian Vogt or Carolin Widmann provide musical highlights in the symphony concerts, whose venues include the OsnabrückHalle or the cathedral. Unusual formats such as open-air, castle and crossover concerts offer special experiences. School, children's and family concerts are offered for young listeners.

Osnabrück Symphony Orchestra
Osnabrücker Symphonieorchester
Osnabrück Symphony Orchestra
At home in the theater

The symphony orchestra has been the musical peace ambassador of the city of Osnabrück for more than 100 years, ensuring a diverse musical life in the city and region - whether in concert, music theater or dance. Renowned soloists such as Klaus Florian Vogt or Carolin Widmann provide musical highlights in the symphony concerts, whose venues include the OsnabrückHalle or the cathedral. Unusual formats such as open-air, castle and crossover concerts offer special experiences. School, children's and family concerts are offered for young listeners.

Osnabrück Symphony Orchestra
Posaunenchor Stapelfeld
Trombone Choir St. Mary
Brass & Brass players

The St. Mary's Trombone Choir consists of about 30 wind players of all ages. In its annual summer and Advent concerts, it fills St. Mary's Church with sounds from the baroque, romantic, swing and pop eras. He regularly organizes (festive) church services for the congregation. The recurring tower blowing during Advent or on other festive occasions also enjoys great popularity.

Michiko Sugizaki is the conductor.

Trombone Choir St. Mary
Musik- und Kunstschule Sekunda Volta
Music and Art School Osnabrück
Ensembles, bands and choirs of the Music and Art School

The municipal music and art school offers a variety of ensemble, choir, band and orchestra programs for children, youth and adults. At least as many concerts and performances result from this!

Music and Art School Osnabrück
Institut für Musik, IfM, Musikerziehung - Klassik, Hochschule Osnabrück
Institute of Music
Osnabrück University

Various concert series shape the study semester: For example, university orchestra and choir concerts are held regularly - also in the auditorium with over 500 seats. The chamber concerts present the works worked on during the semester. The concerts usually have a theme, which the students themselves can help to determine. Here, for example, a composer, an epoch or a country forms the focus. The StudyUp Award traditionally takes place in the summer. It is held in two categories: chamber music and solo. The chamber music award is endowed with a monetary sum. The winner of the solo award is invited to play a solo concert with the university orchestra.

Institute of Music (HS)

If you miss your ensemble, orchestra or choir, please feel free to contact

Susanne Schoon
Culture Marketing, Marketing Osnabrück GmbH

Telefon: +49 541 323 3514

Schlosswall 1 - 9
49074 Osnabrück

Note on possible changes at short notice

Please inquire on the homepages or directly in the respective houses about the current opening and event times, prices, cancellations, etc.. This information can change at short notice!