Gräber erzählen – Lebensgeschichten aus der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus auf dem Hasefriedhof

Historical tour

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Osnabrück is home to two historic and listed cemeteries dating back to 1808: the Hasefriedhof cemetery is located in the north on Bramscher Straße and the Johannisfriedhof cemetery in the south on Iburger Straße. When they were opened, they were still far from the city gates, but are now in the middle of the city. Until 1995, burials took place in both cemeteries for 187 years, many of the gravestones are still preserved and tell a large part of Osnabrück's history. There are also some life stories from the National Socialist era. On a tour lasting around two hours, we meet the perpetrators and victims of this period.

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Bramscher Straße
49088 Osnabrück

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