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What is your taste in art - modern, abstract or figurative and representational? What do your friends like? And do you actually know what potential for conflict lies dormant in it? Yasmina Reza's comedy Kunst, which premiered in Paris thirty years ago, is dedicated to the art of friendship, full of quick wit and rhythmic, melodic language. It tells the story of Serge, Marc and Yvan, whose community threatens to break apart over a contemporary monochrome painting. The question of taste becomes a fundamental one and the end of their long-standing friendship seems to have come. It is no longer just about art, but about tolerance of the other. You can't argue about taste - or can you?

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General information

Organiser Domhof 10/11 49074 Osnabrück
Domhof 10/11
49074 Osnabrück

Event location

Lotter Straße 6
49078 Osnabrück

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