ABI Zukunft Osnabrück

Trade fair

Next date

10:00 - 15:00
Career information fair

The ABI Zukunft fair, probably the largest careers information fair for the period after the Abitur, offers interested pupils, parents and teachers the opportunity to obtain information from the exhibitors on the topics of a stay abroad, (dual) studies, training, voluntary social year (FSJ), studies and much more. At ABI Zukunft Osnabrück, all visitors can get all the answers to their questions in direct discussions with the regional, national and international exhibitors and make contacts with local trainers, colleges, universities and educational institutions. Exciting and imaginative presentations and workshops also reflect the tailor-made nature of this training fair. In the same way, the question "Drop out of university, what then?" is omnipresent for many students and dropouts who want to find a new direction. They are also well advised at the careers information fair and will find suitable answers to their questions. ABI Zukunft Osnabrück offers young people targeted and qualified career guidance.

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General information

Price information Free admission!
Hermann-Ehlers-Straße 16-18
49082 Osnabrück

Tel.: 0541 3309790
E-Mail: servicenoSpam@freitasmessennoSpam.de
Website: abi-zukunft.de

Event location

Schlachthofstr. 48
49074 Osnabrück

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Note on possible changes at short notice

Please inquire on the homepages or directly in the respective houses about the current opening and event times, prices, cancellations, etc.. This information can change at short notice!