There is always something to see and hear in the city and on the stages in Osnabrück - from small fine highlights to international concerts and major events. This year in particular, there are over 200 events to mark the anniversary of "375 Years of the Peace of Westphalia" alone. And then there are the hidden events you won't want to miss! You'll find info and tickets in the respective event - for some you can simply attend for free without a ticket, for others you can book online right away.
In order to be able to display your event on this portal, an entry in the event calendar for Osnabrück and the Osnabrücker Land "OSkalender" is required. You can enter your event in the OSkalender yourself or have it entered by the Tourismusgesellschaft Osnabrücker Land by sending the necessary information and photos to the free service by e-mail.
Please remember: the more specific and informative your details are, the more likely you are to appeal to your target group. An informative photo of your event will increase the attention you attract.
Please inquire on the homepages or directly in the respective houses about the current opening and event times, prices, cancellations, etc.. This information can change at short notice!