Information on routes to & in Osnabrück
Overnight accommodation
Tourist Information
City tours
Shopping quarters
Eat, drink & go out
City voucher
How does StattGeld work?
Points of sale
Points of acceptance
What does it look like?
What does it stand for?
Why is it new?
Take part!
Current status
The new city logo
The strengths of Osnabrück
Join in
May week
Night flea market
Shopping Events
Upcoming highlights
Short-term events
Theme guide
Calendar of events
The 38th Lower Saxony Festival
What is where?
Who can take part?
Theatre - Museums
Festivals - Music
Art - Exhibitions
Film - Literature
Cafés & ice cream parlours
Bistros & Restaurants
Pubs, bars & clubs
Culture & Landscape Park Piesberg
Naturally outdoors
Slippery weather tips
Places of interest
Excursion destinations
Cycle routes
Hiking tours
Please inquire on the homepages or directly in the respective houses about the current opening and event times, prices, cancellations, etc.. This information can change at short notice!