Experience city

Osnabrück is a one of the small big cities in Germany - just small enough to reach everything in a short distance and at the same time extremely diverse. You know what you want to experience - we will show you where your wishes are fulfilled and a bit more...

Osnabrück Altstadt Markt
Worth seeing
Old stones well maintained
Große Straße
Individual & must haves
Gutschein StattGeld
One voucher - experience a lot!
City voucher
City Events
What's going on in the city?
To the City Events
Kulturnacht 2023
Current highlights
Culture you don't want to miss!
Essen, trinken, feiern
Culinary delights
Restaurants, cafés & manufactories
Culinary delights

Experience culture, events, nature?

Note on possible changes at short notice

Please inquire on the homepages or directly in the respective houses about the current opening and event times, prices, cancellations, etc.. This information can change at short notice!