The German-Turkish recruitment agreement has just celebrated its 60th anniversary. However, in the Istanbul song recital, it is Turkey that opens its doors to guest workers from Germany thanks to its economic miracle. Countless people leave their families behind to work towards a better future in Istanbul. Klaus Gruber is sent to the Balat district. Impressed, Klaus writes numerous letters to his wife Luise until she finally follows him to Istanbul with their children. But soon the question of belonging and a home, which they had spent a lot of time and effort trying to build up in Istanbul, arises.
Together with the songs of Turkish music legend Sezen Aksu, the musical evening with live band creates a fictional historiography and in this way deals with the hopes, longings and living conditions of Turkish guest workers in post-war Germany.
Sezen Aksu Şarkıları İle Müzikal Akşamı
Türk pop efsanesi Sezen Aksu'nun şarkılarıyla birlikte İstanbul Müzikal Akşamı, kurgusal bir tarih yazımı yaratıyor. Alman-Türk İşgücü Anlaşması 60. yıldönümünü kutluyor. Ancak ekonomik mucizesi nedeniyle Almanya'dan gelen misafir işçilere kapılarını açan ve böylece bakış açısını değiştiren bu kez Türkiye'dir. İstanbul'un hareketli metropolünde misafir işçi olarak çalışan ve burada ailesiyle birlikte, yeni aidiyet ve eski ev arasında yeni bir hayat kurmak zorunda kalan Klaus Gruber'e eşlik ediyoruzPrömiyer: 22.10.2022, Theater am Domhof
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Domhof 10/11 49074 Osnabrück Domhof 10/11 49074 Osnabrück |
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